Bouzid Latifa

Contact Information
Laboratory of Electronic Microscopy and Materials Science,
Physics Department-faculty of Science USTO.
BP .1505 El M’Naouar, 31100 Oran, Algéria
Position: PhD student.

Diploma of Engineer in computer science (Algeria), 2010.
Diploma in maintenance of computers (Algeria), 2011.
Technician in Microsoft Windows 2003 Server Work groupe (Algeria), 2012.
Magister in physics (Algeria), 2013.
Inscription in PHD study (Algeria), 2014.
Formation on the analysis of the life cycle and Eco-conception (Algeria), 2018.

Research interests
-JAVA programmation.
-polymer solar cell.
-properties in polymer blends (miscibility, thermal properties, mechanical properties…etc).

2009 Stay « Communication inter-VLAN » -AVAL.
2010 Stay « Communication inter-VLAN with VTP and ACL» -AVAL -Sonatrash.
2010-2019 work as teacher.

2012 international Communication ICNP’1(Effect of copolymer molar ratio structure on glass transition temperature of PMMA-co-PS using dilatometric simulation procedure).
2013 international Communication ICAS’1 (studies of glass transition temperature of PMMA/PS copolymer block using atomistic simulation procedure.
2015 international day of light JAIL’2015 (co-autor : Etude des proprietes structurales et optique du polytype Ga2S3)
2015 international day of light JAIL’2015 (co-autor : Etude des proprites structurales, electroniques et optiques du chalcopyrite Cu AlS2).
2015 international Communication ICAS’2 (Conjugated-polymer Solar Cells for Aircraft)
2015 international Communication CIAM’2015 ( MD simulation studies of properties of a polymer blend system).
2016 national seminar FMISM (Co-autor : OPtimisation de flambage d’une plaque stratifiée par algorithme genitique).
2016 national Communication JSP’20 (Study of percentage effect of PMMA/PS polymer blends on thermal properties using MM/QM aproach)
2016 national Communication JSP’20 (co-autor : Optimisation de flambage d’une plaque stratifiée)
2017 international Communication IC-AIRES 2017 (Study of percentage effect of Polymer blends system on physical properties using MM/QM approach).
2018 international Communication (Poster : Study of miscibility of P3HT:PCBM solar cell for areal vehicles).
2018 International Workshop (JAVA Software for study the miscibility of polymer system).

Molecular dynamics simulation studies of the miscibility and thermal properties of PMMA/PS polymer blend. DOI: