Javier Villa Briongos

Contact information
Office: 1.1.D.16
Phone: +34 91 624 8392
Email: jvilla@ing.uc3m.es
(2004). Doctor en Química (Chemical Engineering). University of Alcalá de Henares, UAH.
(2001). Suficiencia investigadora (Chemical Engineering). University of Alcalá de Henares, UAH
(1998). Licenciado en Química (Chemical Engineering; Organic chemistry; physic-chemistry). University of Alcalá de Henares, UAH
Process Engineering, Thermo-Chemical Systems, Fluidization, Chaos and Nonlinear Dynamics, Instrumentation and Control, Advanced Control.
Heat transfer, Environmental Engineering, Thermal engineering, Control and Instrumentation of Thermal Processes.
Briongos, J. V., S. Sanchéz-Delgado, A. Acosta-Iborra, D. Santana. A novel approach for modeling bubbling gas-solid fluidized beds. AIChE Journal. DOI: 10.1002/aic.12375.
de Martín, L., J. V. Briongos, N. García-Hernando, J. M. Aragón. Detecting regime transitions in gas-solid fluidized beds from low frequency accelerometry signals. Powder Technology 207, 104-112, 2011.
de Martín, L., J. V. Briongos, J. M. Aragón, M. C. Palancar. Can low frequency accelerometry replace pressure measurements for monitoring gas-solid fluidized beds?. Chemical Engineering Science. 2010 65, 4055–4064.
Briongos, J. V.; Aragón, J. M.; Palancar M. C. Phase space structure and multi-resolution analysis of gas solid fluidized bed hydrodynamics: Part II: Dynamic Analysis. Chemical Engineering Science. 2007,vol. 62, pp. 2865-2879.
Briongos, J. V.; Aragón, J. M.; Palancar M. C. Phase space structure and multi-resolution analysis of gas solid fluidized bed hydrodynamics: Part I: The EMD approach. Chemical Engineering Science. 2006, vol. 61, pp. 6963-6980.
Briongos, J. V.; Aragón, J. M.; Palancar M. C. Fluidised bed dynamics diagnoses from measurements of low-frequency out-bed passive acoustic emissions. Powder Technology. 2006, vol. 162, pp.145-156.
Briongos, JV; Guardiola, J. New methodology for scaling hydrodynamic data from a 2D-fluidized bed. Chemical Engineering Science. 2005, vol.60, pp. 5151-5163.
Briongos, JV; Soler, JG. Using free bed surface fluctuations in a 3-D fluidized bed for dynamic characterization. AIChE Journal. 2004, vol 50, pp. 3060-3067.
Briongos, JV; Soler, JG. Free top fluidized bed surface fluctuations as a source of hydrodynamic data. Powder Technology. 2003, vol. 134, pp.133-144.
Villa, J; van Ommen, JR; van den Bleek, CM. Early detection of foam formation in bubble column by attractor comparison. AIChE Journal. 2003, vol. 49, pp. 2442-2444.