International collaborations

The ISE research group has worked in collaboration with different research groups and universities.

  • Mikko Hupa and Patrik Yrjas from the Combustion and Material Chemistry Department of the Abo-Akademi University, Turku (Finland). They admitted S. Sánchez-Delgado during a stay of three months in the summer of 2007. Sergio studied biomass characterisation with different experimental techniques.
  • Dr. Seng Lim, research scientific in CSIRO-Minerals Clayton, Victoria (Australia), they admitted M. de Vega in a short stay during the summer of 2007. M. de Vega studied scale-up problems in fluidized beds.
  • Filip Johnsson and David Pallarés, of the Energy and Environmental Department of Chalmers University of Technology in Göteborg (Sweden), they accepted José A. Almendros in a short stay during the summer of 2006. During his stay José A. Almendros collaborated in a numerical-experimental study of the fluid-dynamics in two-dimensional fluidized beds using experimental measurements and a finite elements technique. Furthermore, they accepted A. Gómez García in a summer stay, collaborating in fuels and solids mixing patterns research applying different tracking techniques (thermal, phosphorescent and magnetic). Nowadays both research groups are still working together.
  • Belén Alejandre Moysi, Domestic Business Manager of CGC BIOMASA, collaborated with the ISE group in project number ENE2006-01401/ALT.
  • Christoph R. Müller, from ETH Zurich, admitted Fernando Hernández Jiménez during the summer of 2010 and autumn 2011. Fernando worked on Two-fluid model and DEM simulations of fluidized beds.